About Me

Marko is a Software Engineer and a Computer Science student, based in Belgrade, Serbia. He’s currently working as a Software Developer at Loodse.

He focuses on the Back-End engineering, DevOps and cloud-native technologies. His favorite programming language is Go and he loves Kubernetes, but he’s fluent in Java and C as well.

Marko loves open source software and contributes back whenever he can. You can find his contributions across many projects, including Kubernetes, kubicorn/kubicorn, where he’s a project maintainer, digitalocean/doctl, and many more. To learn more about his work, check out his GitHub profile!

Over the summer 2018, Marko worked as Google Summer of Code Student with Cloud Native Computing Foundation on the Kubernetes project. Over the period of four months, he implemented a solution for solving storage problems for aggregated API servers called EtcdProxyController.

Marko was also an active DigitalOcean Community member where he was answering questions and helping community members. He was writing tutorials and tech articles over the authorship program Write for DOnations. You check out his community profile for the list of publications, but below you can find his favorite ones:

In March 2018, Marko was featured as a Community Doer’ for his contributions to the DigitalOcean Community and DigitalOcean open source projects.

For GopherAcademy’s Advent 2017 series, he contributed the Using Go Templates article.

Marko started programming as young. In high school he designed and developed several Android and Web applications. By the end of high school, Marko discovered his love — Back-End engineering, DevOps and Distributed Systems, and he decided to focus on Go, Kubernetes, and other relevant technologies. For the list of projects he worked on in the past, check out the Projects section of his LinkedIn profile.

Does Marko always write in third person? No, he writes in first person on his blog.

If you want to get in contact with Marko, you can find him on: Twitter, GitHub or LinkedIn. He’s also very active on Kubernetes and Gophers Slack.